Here is a quick report:
In the last 30 days in zip codes 98499 and 98498 there have been 49 homes sold.
The real diversity of housing in Lakewood is demonstrated in the fact that these residences sold for between $70,000 and $1,800,000 in price. Good news is if you'd like to live in Lakewood WA, you have choices from the ultra affordable that would give you a mortgage near $600 a month, on up the fabulous with beautiful garden like estates and waterfront also being on the menu.
The average sales price in the last 30 days was $278,156.
See the charts below to give you an idea of the increases in price per square foot over the last few years in Lakewood WA.

As you can see, prices are on the rise per square foot, which is good news for sellers of any type of Lakewood home.
More good news for sellers?
See this chart, which shows months of inventory available now vs the other months so far in 2016, this chart too is for 98499 and 98498
Below is the actual volume for 98499 and 98498 in closed residential home sales January-so far in May this year.....these charts are current as of May 16th.
Good news is, for buyers, there is still affordable housing in Lakewood WA, for sellers? It's a good time to sell, interest rates are still with in reach for most consumers, prices are rising, although not like the crazy bubbles of a few years ago and inventory is low, so demand for your home is high.
Want to get a report on stats in your own specific neighborhood? Curious what it would take to sell your home and what it might be worth? Considering up or downsizing? Now is a good time.